Fitness & Wellness

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

If your goal is weight loss, then cut back on the extra salt. It can help you reach your goals and benefit your weight loss. Salt does add water weight, which occurs because of the excess sodium. Water helps regulate the amount of sodium in your body. If you have too much sodium, the body retains water to dilute the amount of sodium. That causes water weight gain. The easiest way to reduce that gain is by drinking more water or other drinks like tea to flush out the sodium and eliminating added salt from your diet. Salt also plays a more injurious role in your body that leads to weight gain.

Recent studies identify one reason salt increases blood pressure.

Most people realize that a diet high in salt will increase blood pressure over time. Scientists decided to research exactly why that happens. One consideration was that people who have a diet high in salt drink more fluid, which may add calories or add more water weight. That didn’t prove to be true. The study found that people whose diet was higher in salt actually drank less water or other drink. It also found that those people ate more and had an increased appetite.

The study was conducted under strict laboratory conditions.

Unlike most studies that have factors that can’t be controlled, the research into salt and weight gain was conducted under strict lab conditions. It was part of the Russian space program preparing the cosmonauts for travel to Mars. The scientists conducted several experiments, one of which was how salt affected the body. The diet was unchanging, except for the amount of salt. At the onset, those in training were given food with twice the daily amount of salt, 12 grams. The diet was switched after several weeks and the amount of salt was reduced to 9 grams, and eventually lowered to 6 grams a day.

The experiment was clear.

When the cosmonauts were given the same diet higher in salt, most were constantly hungry. As the amount of salt in the diet was lowered, their appetite also diminished. The scientists concluded that the amount of salt made the difference, since it was the only variable. Other studies have backed up that hypothesis. One Australian study surmised that a diet higher in salt led to obesity in schoolchildren.

  • If you’ve ever craved something to eat that was juicy, like watermelon, your body may have tricked you into thinking you were hungry, but instead were thirsty. Salt may cause increased thirst that is mistaken for hunger.
  • When salt makes people thirsty, the extra weight extra salt can cause may come from drinking sugary drinks that add calories. It may be the reason that a third study found that a diet higher in salt increased caloric intake by 11%.
  • One explanation for the increased hunger after eating food with more salt or eating more food, is the fact that the food simply tasted better when it had more seasoning.
  • Whether salt is the biggest enemy to your weight loss program or not, cutting back on salt and using herbs and other spices will not only increase the flavor, but provide more benefits for your body.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

How To Calculate Your BMI

How To Calculate Your BMI

In order to achieve your goals, you have to know where you’re at right now and find a way to measure your progress. BMI is a tool that helps you do both. At UpFit Academy in New York, NY, we do use BMI to help calculate both things, but it’s just one way to both identify your present fitness level and track your progress. It’s not necessarily the best way, either. BMI stands for body mass index and it uses both your height and weight to create a ratio that identifies whether you’re underweight, normal, overweight or obese.

The process is simple and it’s one reason most doctors use it.

There are a number of charts available, but they all use the same format. Weight is either across the top or down the side, with height taking the opposite position. In most cases, height creates rows down the side and weight creates columns across the top. Some charts are gender specific, some are specifically for children. All work the same way. You locate the person’s weight, normally at the top, find the height, normally at the side and where the column and row intersect, that number is the BMI. BMI numbers below 18.5 are underweight and 25, above overweight and 30 and above obese.

It’s a quick way to create a mental image but has many flaws.

Most people that are involved with fitness understand that when you’re comparing two people with the same bone structure, the same height, the same gender and the same weight, but one is extremely muscular and the other has almost no muscle, the muscular person will look far thinner. That’s because muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat does, so a pound of muscle mass will fit into a smaller container than a pound of fat. That fact affects the quality of the results of the BMI. An extremely muscular person, who has little body fat, may show up on BMI charts as overweight and in extreme cases, obese. In reality, they’re simply muscular.

You need other tools to make the right assessment.

Doctors use BMI because it’s quick and over time, tracking BMI can be an indicator in health. If someone has a normal BMI that suddenly drops to underweight or increases to obese, something may be wrong with that person. It’s another clue into the person’s health but needs follow-up questions. Is the person trying to lose weight? Are they now working out? Do they have a health issue that’s causing weight loss or weight gain and are there other indicators, like an increase in blood pressure or high blood glucose levels, which require further exploration? Is the BMI constantly increasing or relatively level?

  • Using a waist circumference is another tool that’s simple. If you carry your weight around the middle, you’re at more risk of serious conditions. Women with a waistline of 34.6 or more or men with a circumference of 40.2 inches are at risk.
  • One reason for using gender specific charts is the difference in bone structure and muscle mass in men and women. On the average, men tend to have a larger bone structure and more muscle mass.
  • RFM—relative fat mass—is a new quick indicator that considers amount of muscle. For men, the formula is: 64 – (20 x height/waist circumference) = RFM and for women it’s: 76 – (20 x height/waist circumference) = RFM.
  • Regularly taking body measurements, measuring body fat with skinfold calipers and even using clothing size are inexpensive techniques to identify progress. More expensive techniques include MRI scans and underwater weighing.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

Healthy Staples You Should Always Have On Hand

Healthy Staples You Should Always Have On Hand

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is important, but having only the freshest of meats, vegetables, fruit and grain products can leave you short if you can’t get to the store, have unexpected company or find the grocery shelves empty. During the pandemic, many people were afraid to leave their homes, particularly elderly people. For those reasons, it’s important to have healthy staples available. These are staples with a long shelf life that you can have on hand for these emergencies.

You won’t use a lot of shelf space with dried beans and lentils.

Dried beans are one of the staples that helped pioneers in lean times. They’re a favorite of preppers, too. Best of all, not only can you stack quite a few bags in a very small space, they keep for several years. You can add canned beans into this group as well. While they aren’t as efficient for storage, you can prepare them quickly. Canned beans don’t last as long as the dried forms. Their shelf life is a mere 2-5 years compared to the dried ones that can be stored as long as ten years. Beans are a good source of plant protein, plus they’re high in fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and iron.

Whole grains, nuts and seeds are nutritious and also easy to store.

Whole grains can include everything from brown rice to quinoa. They keep at room temperature for years, with their shelf life varying. You can store whole grains to use later to make flour or sprout, for up to six months or a year if stored in the freezer. These provide B vitamins, manganese, magnesium and fiber. Nuts and seeds don’t store as long at room temperature, but you can extend the 1 to 4 months to up to two years if you freeze them. Frozen pine nuts last only 6 months, with macadamia lasting 9 and pecans frozen time extending to two years. The rest of the tree nuts will last as long as a year and provide protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber for snacks and meals.

Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables have a much longer shelf life than fresh.

Frozen veggies and fruit may actually be fresher to start with than those found on the grocery shelf. They’re picked at peak ripeness and immediately taken to a processing plant that’s normally local. You’ll get the flavor of fresh veggies when you need them. Canned fruit and vegetables without additives are also nutritious and can last a year or longer on the shelf.

  • Cooking fats like coconut oil, olive oil and ghee can be kept on the shelf for a year, ready to use when you need it. Fermented foods, like sauerkraut and pickles are also a must have. They can fight inflammation and stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • What’s more important than spices when it comes to flavor? Nothing. But dried herbs and spices can add healthy benefits, too. Some, like turmeric and cinnamon, can help reduce inflammation. Onions and garlic also improve flavor while boosting overall health.
  • Having frozen meat, fish and poultry on hand can make the difference between a well-balanced, delicious meal and just surviving. Meat can keep up to a year and frozen fish up to five months.
  • Eggs are another good source of protein. They even can be stored outside the refrigerator using salt and a Mason jar. Normally three weeks is their refrigerator shelf life, but if you freeze them, it’s extended to ten weeks.

For more information, contact us today at Upfit Training Academy

You Can't "Out-Exercise" A Bad Diet

You Can’t “Out-Exercise” A Bad Diet

There’s a good reason we provide nutritional information to clients at UpFit Academy in New York, NY. You need both and a healthy diet is just as important, if not more important than a program of regular exercise. Combining both brings the best results, but if you had to use just one, it would be to eat healthily. The reason is simple, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. You need to eat healthy to be healthy and also to lose weight. No matter how many hours at the gym you spend exercising, if you’re eating a junk that’s loaded with calories, you won’t be healthy and you won’t lose weight.

A healthy diet has all the nutrients you need to be healthy and build muscles.

You can workout for hours but if you don’t have adequate nutrition, you won’t build muscles. Muscles require the building blocks and that comes from your diet. You also won’t have the energy to workout without proper nutrition. If you’re eating foods high in sugar, it boosts your insulin production, which can make energy levels increase rapidly, only to plummet just as quickly. Eventually, you can develop insulin resistance, which also leads to exhaustion. A bad diet affects your workout and the results you get.

If weight loss is your goal, you need both diet and exercise, but diet is the most important factor.

You can boil weight gain and weight loss to a simple formula, one pound=3,500 calories. Eat 3,500 more than you burn and you’ll gain a pound. Eat 3,500 less than you burn and you’ll lose a pound. No matter how many hours you workout, it’s almost impossible to burn the number of calories necessary to lose a pound. A double quarter pounder with cheese has about 800 calories, combine it with a small chocolate shake and large fries, you add another 1,000 calories. An intense workout at the gym burns between 350 and 550 calories, about 1/3 to ¼ of the 1800 calories from the meal.

Healthy options are more filling and provide more nutrients.

One of the biggest problems with an unhealthy diet is that it is often rife with sugar and lacks fiber. Not only does fiber fill you up, but it also keeps you feeling full longer, so most highly processed foods won’t satisfy your hunger for long. Consider alternatives to those fries, shakes and burgers. You can eat loads of fruit and vegetables are lower in calories. Instead of snacking on a large order of fries, you could be eating a serving of slow-cooker balsamic short ribs with a side of cauliflower rice and a serving of glazed mini carrots or roasted salmon with smoky chickpeas and salad.

  • A healthy diet doesn’t actually mean you’re dieting. It means you’re making smarter choices and eliminating highly processed foods and foods with added sugar.
  • Your choice of drinks makes a big difference in a healthy diet. Soft drinks are filled with calories and can increase your waistline. Even low calorie drinks are known to build visceral fat around waist. Stick with no calorie natural options like water, tea and coffee.
  • A healthy diet is all about changing eating habits. It’s one reason actual diets don’t work. They always end and you go back to old habits. When you change eating habits, you’ll lose weight permanently.
  • To be your healthiest, you need both diet and exercise. A healthy diet is the foundation for good health, with regular exercise supplementing that foundation and making it stronger. We can help you with both.

For more information, contact us today at Upfit Training Academy

Alcohol Might Speed Up Aging

Alcohol Might Speed Up Aging

There’s nothing wrong with having the occasional drink that contains alcohol. Some types of alcoholic beverages, such as red wine, may actually make you healthier when consumed in moderation. What is moderation? For women, it’s drinking one 5 ounce glass of 12% wine a day and for men it’s drinking two glasses. Anything beyond those parameters may lead to premature aging, weight gain—particularly around the midsection—and other health issues.

Your skin shows signs of alcohol aging first.

Drinking alcohol dehydrates you. That includes your brain and skin. It’s why sipping water while drinking and between drinks can help prevent a headache. If you drank heavily the night before, you could notice changes to your skin immediately. The body tends to dehydrate from alcohol, which can cause sunken eyes, decreased skin elasticity, dry lips and dry skin. Sipping on water when drinking helps, too. Over time, it can cause rashes, yellowed skin, spider veins, red dots on skin, bulging stomach veins, red skin and more skin infections.

Weight gain and mental signs of aging can occur when you consume too much alcohol too often.

Alcohol not only causes weight to form around the middle, which is indicative of aging, it also causes the slowing of production of testosterone and affects the breakdown of estrogen. It can lead to men experiencing weight gain in areas that women normally have it, on the hips, thighs and breasts. It also interferes with thinking processes that may be affected as we age. One study followed young people that drank excessively compared to a group of elderly individuals. The young heavy drinkers scored worse on a test measuring executive function, which included remembering and learning things, planning, paying attention, goal setting, and self-management.

Alcohol speeds the aging process by increasing stress hormones.

Stress can definitely speed aging. It comes from the hormones released that make the changes. Alcohol consumption can increase the release of stress hormones and that leads to increased speed toward aging. Alcohol also affects various organs, like the liver. It damages them and alters the chemical balance of the body to also lead to aging. Alcohol also increases the free radicals in the body. Those same free radicals damage the skin, which leads to showing signs of aging.

  • Alcohol abuse, like most substance abuse, deters the user from eating healthily and exercising. Not only does the alcohol affect the body, the things the abuser doesn’t do or consume also affects aging.
  • If you have an alcoholic drink right after you workout, you won’t build muscles. The elevated cortisol levels cause testosterone levels to decrease and that may slow or prevent the synthesis of protein to build muscles.
  • Weight gain occurs from drinking alcohol from several causes. One not mentioned is that when alcohol is consumed before a meal, it increases appetite, so people eat more.
  • Alcohol can cause damage to the telomeres, the ends of chromosomes that protect the cells and shorten as the cell divides. It normally lasts 50 divisions, but in people who consumed 4 drinks a day, reached the last division in half the time it took those who didn’t.

For more information, contact us today at Upfit Training Academy

Inspire Kids To Move At An Early Age

Inspire Kids To Move At An Early Age

We have a wide variety of clients at UpFit Academy in New York, NY, which includes many parents. Our parents often ask how to ensure their kids grow into fit adults. The answer is simple. You have to inspire kids to move at an early age. Fitness is all about eating healthy and being active. We often suggest games to play with toddlers that provide mommy/daddy interaction but keep those toddlers moving. Fit children do better in school and often have more self-control.

Take away the screen and have fun with the kids.

It’s really an easy habit to put your child in front of the TV to keep them entertained or give them their own computer so you can get your work finished. However, easy isn’t always the best route to take. Instead of keeping them busy doing something else, have them join you in your chores when they require physical activity. Those mental tasks can be done after the kids go to bed. Get them involved in cleaning, even if it involves a toy vacuum or closely directing them as they pick up toys.

Make your child a priority when you walk through the door.

When you get home from work, play ball, ride bikes or go for a walk. If you’re walking, it gives you time to talk about the day’s activities and whatever is on your child’s mind. You’ll be keeping your kids active, while also building a beautiful relationship that will only grow as your child gets older. Shared activity creates common bonds. If you have more than one child, give each child at least one session of just you and that child each week.

Make time for play time.

Sure, your day is super busy, but it never should be too busy to spend time playing with the kids. Start with fun activities when they’re extremely small. Active play, like walking like their favorite animal or even hide-and-seek, can be fun and done at a very early age. Dancing to music is another activity you can start with your baby in your arms.

  • Be the child’s role model. On your days away from the gym, do simple bodyweight exercises and let the kids join you. Simple exercises, like squats or lunges can be done together. Kids learn by example, so smile while you workout and don’t complain.
  • Get your children toys that require they be active. Instead of a new computer program, get hula hoops for the family. Put up a basketball net or bikes for everyone to ride together.
  • Is your kitty getting a bit pudgy or does Rover need exercise? Teach your child how to gently play with animals and how much animals need to play. Get active games to get your child and your pet more active.
  • Get them fitter by changing your habits. Don’t drive the kids to school. Instead, walk to the school with them. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or walk up the escalator if there are no stairs.

For more information, contact us today at Upfit Academy

Best Exercises To Manage Everyday Pain

Best Exercises To Manage Everyday Pain

When you’re in pain, the last thing you want to do is exercise. However, there are exercises that not only can manage pain, but relieve it. That doesn’t mean that if you have a pulled arm muscle you lift weights, but going for a walk can boost circulation and help improve healing. Active recovery is one way exercise can help reduce pain, boost healing and help prevent pain in the future.

Don’t take to the easy chair when your back hurts.

Back pain is one of the types of pain that responds well to exercise. Having the right type of exercise, however, is important. The type of exercise will depend on the location of the pain in your back. If you have mid-back or lower-back pain, doing mild stretches can help. Lay on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Wrap your arms around one bent leg and stretch out the other. Pull the bent leg toward you. Return to starting position. You’ll feel a tugging of the muscles and often quick relief.

Stretch your arms out and twist.

Stretches for the back can help the upper, mid and lower back. Stand with feet slightly apart and arms out straight. First make small circles with your hands and increase the size. Next, twist your upper body first to one side, then the other, while keeping your feet stationary. Roll your head from side to side to relieve pain in the neck. Doing wall squats can also help back pain.

Do your legs feel achy, work it out with these exercises.

Leg pain comes from tight muscles, so to relieve that pain, you need to help those muscles relax. You need to make sure you work the muscles from all angles. First try some easy stretches. Stick your leg out straight and lift your foot so your toe is pointing upward, then to the side, to the front with toes pointed and then to the other side. Get on your hands and knees and do a hip flexor stretch, like a standing lunge or seated butterfly stretch.

  • Do a bridge. Lay on your back with your arms to your sides, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips, keeping your shoulders on the floor. This exercise can release pain in the legs and back.
  • If you have pain in your shoulders, relieve that pain by lifting your elbow and pulling it across your chest without twisting your body. Hold as you feel shoulder tension, then release and relax.
  • Stand as you lift one of your arms up in the air with the other to your side. Bend your arm, reaching behind your head, attempting to touch the opposite ear. Grasp that arms elbow with your other hand and gently push. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
  • If you’re at the keyboard or work with your hands, they can also create pain. The simplest exercise is to relax your hands and shake them. They should be limp as you shake and you’ll feel the tension drain from your hands.

For more information, contact us today at Upfit Academy

How Chronic Stress Affects Your Fitness

How Chronic Stress Affects Your Fitness

Stress can affect your health negatively. Stress doesn’t have to be something awful. It can occur with wonderful surprises in life. Getting married or going on a vacation can be just as stressful as losing a job. The worse type of stress is chronic stress. Chronic stress affects your fitness even if the stress seems minor. That’s why working out is so important. Exercise helps burn off the flight-or-fight hormones of stress that causes changes to your body and affect your health and fitness.

What are the stress hormones and how do they affect your fitness?

A lot of changes go on in your body when you experience danger, real or imagined. The body sends out messengers like cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, that changes how your body functions to prepare it for escape or battle. Those changes can affect your overall health, but so can some of the hormones, like cortisol. Cortisol can cause the body to accumulate weight around the mid-section. While you might immediately think of stressful situations like car accidents or other dangerous situation, stress can come from simple things like a crying baby or angry boss.

Watch your blood pressure rise when you’re under stress.

Cortisol not only puts weight on around your middle, but also can cause your glucose levels to rise, as well as the substance that repairs body tissues. Norepinephrine increases blood flow to the muscles, to aid in running or fighting, while redirecting blood flow to the digestive system. Adrenaline makes your heartbeat faster, while sending more blood to the brain and increasing blood pressure. It causes pupils to get larger and makes you sweat. If the body doesn’t fight, run or simulate those actions, it doesn’t burn off those hormones and you remain in a readiness state that takes its toll on your body.

Many doctor’s visits could be eliminated if stress is under control.

Are you finding you’re too tired to workout? It might be from adrenaline fatigue that comes from adrenaline insufficiency caused by stress. Is your belly getting bigger regardless of how much you eat? You might have too much cortisol. Stress can make losing weight harder and feeling your best impossible. Many of the doctor’s visits wouldn’t be necessary if it weren’t for stress. You need the fight-or-flight response to survive and escape serious accidents or situations, but unlike caveman, most of the stress modern man feels isn’t life threatening and the changes it creates remain.

  • Stress can cause premature aging. The chromosomes are protected by telomeres that are shortened by stress. It can affect everything from skin and muscle tissue and even your vision.
  • Stress hormones can also cause cravings that ae unhealthy, such as those high in sugar and highly processed. Not only does relieving stress help reduce those cravings, but it also helps you eat healthier.
  • When you burn off stress hormones with exercise, you not only boost your immune system, you’ll lower your blood pressure and get better control of blood glucose levels.
  • Stress can lead to periodontal disease and tooth grinding. It can create anxiety and depression. It also can interrupt sleep, a time the body does repairs. Burning off those hormones help all those problems.

For more information, contact us today at Upfit Academy

Why Planks Are So Good For You

Why Planks Are So Good For You

If you workout at UpFit Academy in New York, NY, you’ll have a personalized program at group rates. We use science backed workouts that help you get fit fast. Just because we’re using the latest information, it doesn’t mean we throw out traditional workouts. In fact, many traditional exercises, like planks, are even more valued thanks to scientific investigation. What are some of the benefits of this simple, but not so easy, exercise?

What are planks and why are they in most programs.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a good workout program that doesn’t include some form of a plank. What is a plank? You start a plank by lying on your stomach, then moving until you support your body weight on your toes and elbows and holding. When doing a plank, you keep your back straight. It’s all about form. The key, unlike other exercises that opt for repetitions, is to extend the amount of time you hold that position. Another basic plank form is the side plank with all the weight on one hand or elbow and one foot. You can also do a straight arm plank where your arms are straight and the weight rests on the palms of the hands. Those three forms are often modified to create new, challenging forms.

One of the main benefits of planks is building core muscles.

Building strong core muscles is important. The core muscles are lower back muscles, hips, pelvic floor and abdominals. They help you perform daily tasks that can be as diverse as lifting or urinary continence. Planks are considered isometric exercises, which you’re contracting muscles without moving joints. They stabilize muscles. Strong core muscles boost your ability to lift, improve running, improves your ability to twist and bend side to side and strengthens you back while toning your butt.

You’ll have better posture when you do planks.

Good posture requires having a stable core. Why is good posture important? It improves breathing, helps digestion, reduces headaches, reduces back pain, reduces joint wear and tear, improves lung capacity and cardiovascular efficiency. Good posture helps you look more confident and when you do, people treat you as though you are confident. Improved posture can help reduce body aches, including TMJ and makes you look and feel younger and more energetic. You’ll improve flexibility when you do planks and that includes shoulders, collarbones, hamstrings and back muscles. That helps you avoid injuries whether they come from working out or daily tasks.

  • Doing planks can improve your metabolism. It burns tons of calories and builds muscle tissue. Planks challenge most of the muscles in the body at one time and is more effective than sit-ups or crunches.
  • You’ll notice your mood improves when you do planks. It aids in releasing stiff muscles that can occur when you don’t exercise and in doing that, helps chase away stress and boosts hormones that make you feel good.
  • Whether you do straight arm or elbow planks when you start, do it for at least a minute at a time and build. If you can’t do a plank for a full minute, make a minute your goal and work toward it gradually.

For more information, contact us today at Upfit Academy

Is Hot Yoga Better Than Regular Yoga

Is Hot Yoga Better Than Regular Yoga

There are all types of yoga. Hatha, Iyengar, Kundalini, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Bikram, Yin and restorative are just a few. When you think of hot yoga, you’re often referring to Bikram yoga that was one of the first to be done in a room that’s sometimes 105 degrees. However, doing any style of yoga can be hot yoga. Most people often refer to Hatha yoga as regular yoga, since it’s one that’s often practiced throughout the US. Is there a benefit from adding heat to any style of yoga or is it simply smoke and mirrors?

Benefits of hot yoga.

The temperature in a hot yoga room can be between 100-110 degrees with 40% humidity to encourage sweat evaporation. The heat helps boost flexibility, warming the muscles and enhancing blood flow. That makes it easier to do many of the more difficult poses, so it can be a benefit for beginners and experienced alike. It also puts less strain on the joints.

For some, regular yoga is best.

If you can’t take the heat, get out of the hot yoga class. The biggest difference is simply the heat, since any type of yoga can be hot yoga and any type of yoga can be considered regular yoga. People who shouldn’t do hot yoga include those that are unfit or not seasoned in regular yoga. Body temperatures can rise during a 90-minute class of hot yoga, with some people participating reaching temperatures as high as 103 degrees. Doctors consider a body temperature of104 degrees dangerous. Heat intolerance can be a problem. Pregnant women, diabetics, people with cardiovascular disease and those with high blood pressure should avoid hot yoga.

Hot yoga does improve muscle mass, since it requires more effort than regular yoga.

It can help burn belly fat—visceral fat—the most dangerous type. It can help improve insulin sensitivity for those with type 2 diabetes or prediabetics. When done regularly, may make you feel less hungry. The heat may be beneficial for those with asthma and can strengthen respiratory function by increasing circulation and improving lung function. It can reduce the risk of COPD.

  • All types of yoga help you burn calories and boost your mood. Practicing yoga can also help balance hormones naturally. It’s all about the poses used. Balancing hormones leads to improved moods, sleep cycles and weight loss or gain.
  • Arthritis pain, headaches and backaches can be helped with all types of yoga, but arthritis and migraine pain in particular, may be helped more by hot yoga.
  • Sweating clears out the waste in your body and boosts blood flow and your immune system. Hot yoga makes you sweat more, so it may help keep you healthier by boosting your immune system.
  • The longer you do hot yoga, the more resilient you become, especially to working out in the heat. You’ll push yourself harder and see faster results with hot yoga.

For more information, contact us today at Upfit Academy