Does Vitamin Water Have Special Health Benefits?

At Upfit Academy in New York, NY, it’s normal to see electrolyte replacement water. Recently, more and more bottles of vitamin water have made their way to the gym. People often drink them because they believe they offer health benefits. After all, they do contain vitamins. These are water-soluble and include vitamins C and many B vitamins. Some contain vitamins A and E and the minerals magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese, and chromium. It sounds like an easy way to boost nutrition, but is it really that good for you?

It’s a better option than drinking a soft drink.

If you hate plain water and prefer a sugary drink, vitamin water may be an option. It can boost your intake of vitamins while reducing your intake of soft drinks. That’s a plus. There is always a catch or a downside. In this case, there are several. The first is using it as an alternative to a healthy diet. Good nutrition doesn’t work that way. You need to eat whole foods, not just take supplements. Whole foods provide more than just vitamins and minerals. They provide phytonutrients that work with the vitamins and boost their effectiveness.

The vitamin water with or without electrolytes may be helpful, but there are other considerations.

Yes, you can get too much vitamin C, and B, so take it easy on the vitamin water. It can be tough on your kidneys and digestive system. Too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea. Water-soluble vitamins are flushed out in the urine by the kidneys when you consume more than you need. That can make it hard on the kidneys, especially if you already have a preexisting kidney condition. Others may contain vitamins A and E, which can accumulate in the body and create problems.

There’s a lot of sugar in most types of vitamin water.

Sugar causes inflammation and can lead to obesity. Even worse, a diet high in sugar can create a vitamin C deficiency. Animals make their own vitamin C from glucose—sugar. Man lost that ability long ago. Vitamin C and glucose enter the cells through the same receptors, the Glut-1 receptors, so they compete to enter the cells where vitamin C is necessary. Those receptors prefer glucose to vitamin C, so it blocks the entry. The inflammation and free radicals released by the sugar make vitamin C even more necessary, leaving you worse than when you started.

  • Some people may benefit from the extra B vitamins in vitamin water. B12 and folate are important for pregnant women and those considering pregnancy.
  • The added sugar in vitamin water can increase risk factors for diabetes, tooth decay, heart disease, and obesity. One bottle may have as much as 100% of the daily recommended limit for sugar.
  • Some vitamin waters are zero-calorie and use artificial sweeteners. Studies show artificial sweeteners increase waist circumference and belly fat.
  • If you worry, you’re deficient in a vitamin, taking a supplement is far less expensive. Eating healthier is even better and provides all the phytonutrients as well.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

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