Stay Active While Sheltering In Place

Winter storms in New York can often find everyone sheltering in place. While you might prefer being out and about, you’re stuck where you are, which is hopefully at home. No matter where you are when it happens, you should stay active. Sitting and fretting won’t solve any problems. Getting up and moving will at least bring relief from the stress. You’ll burn more calories, exercise your muscles, and end up in better shape than you were.

If you’re at home, you can do bodyweight exercises.

You don’t need any equipment to workout at home. You just need a small area and maybe a blanket or mat for the floor where you exercise. If you’re watching TV with the kids, get down on the floor and do a plank, holding the position as long as possible. Push-ups, lunges, and squats are also easy exercises you can do at home. Get the kids involved. If they’re younger, play games like animal walks. Move like an elephant, bunny, or snake. It’s fun and good exercise for everyone.

Are you stuck sheltering in place at work?

When an emergency strikes and you have to shelter in place, you’re stuck where you are and it isn’t always where you want to be. If you work in an office and don’t have rollers on your chair, you can use the chair to do tricep dips. Doing squats, lunge walking, and twists can be done anywhere. Desk push-ups and calf raises are also excellent options outside the home.

Turn up the heat and do HIIT workouts.

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. It’s not a specific exercise but a way of doing any exercise. It’s all about alternating between the highest intensity, where your heart rate is at 70 to 89% of maximum, and a recovery rate of 60 to 65%. It can be any exercise, from walking throughout the house or going up and down stairs to doing jumping jacks or other calisthenics. It gets you into shape quickly in less time.

  • If you’re stuck at home, get busy cleaning, but make it speed cleaning. Move fast and put in elbow grease to get the best cardio. You might even move the couch for strength training.
  • Turn on the music and dance like nobody is watching—because they aren’t. Let your body dictate your movements and enjoy every minute of it. Make the music fast and get your heart pumping.
  • Are you stuck at home for a while? Create a workout schedule and make it your appointment with exercise. Add all other activities to your schedule. You’ll get more done and won’t be bored.
  • Besides exercising, spend some time creating a healthy weekly meal plan. Start meal planning when you’ve got the time. Since getting out and shopping is impossible, start by trying to create healthy meals with what you have.

For more information, contact us today at UpFit Training Academy

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