
Make sure to start at a dead hang, as seen here.

How to Build Up Your Chin Up

Have you ever set a chin up (or pull up) goal for yourself but eventually fell short because it seemed too difficult or tedious? Do you watch videos of people doing chin ups and wonder how they “make it look so easy”? If this sounds like you, you’re far from alone–plenty of people want to […]

How to Build Up Your Chin Up

Have you ever set a chin up (or pull up) goal for yourself but eventually fell short because it seemed too difficult or tedious? Do you watch videos of people doing chin ups and wonder how they “make it look so easy”? If this sounds like you, you’re far from alone–plenty of people want to […]

How to Build Up Your Chin Up

Have you ever set a chin up (or pull up) goal for yourself but eventually fell short because it seemed too difficult or tedious? Do you watch videos of people doing chin ups and wonder how they “make it look so easy”? If this sounds like you, you’re far from alone–plenty of people want to […]

How To Beat A Weight Loss Plateau

How To Beat A Weight Loss Plateau

Everyone has faced it at one time or another, a weight plateau. You may be doing almost everything right but still can’t lose more weight. You notice the word almost was used. That’s because there are things you can do to beat a weight loss plateau that can make a big difference. What is plateauing […]

The Viking Push Press with Landmine

The Viking push press is a vertical push exercise that uses the entire body to complete the movement but the main focus is the shoulders. Clients with shoulder or low back pain can benefit from this exercise instead of a standard military press because the viking press allows you to keep a neutral spine without […]

As seen above, the hinge position is key to performing this exercise effectively

Strengthen Your Back and Core

Rowing is one of the best exercises with a handful of variations & applications. No matter your experience level, you’ll be sure to benefit from some form of this exercise whether it be with resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell. Regardless of what equipment you have available to you the fundamentals remain the same. […]

The Contagion of Exercise

The Contagion of Exercise

Can’t seem to keep an exercise routine? Your friends probably think the same. by: Paul W. Park M.S. CSCS A client of mine was the first person in her family to start making exercise a priority in her life. As a physician, she knew the health benefits, mental and physical, of living a physically active […]

Knee dominant squat vs. Hip dominant squat

A squat is a common movement that we use in our everyday life. As trainers we incorporate this movement to make everyday living easier for our clients. For example, getting up out of a chair or getting something from a lower cabinet. There are many variations of this exercise. You can use a barbell to […]

Building Your Perfect Deadlift With Upfit

Building Your Perfect Deadlift With Upfit

by: Emma Bolton Over the last year or so, most people have either maintained or increased their time spent behind a computer screen. While some of us may enjoy the fact that the screen is within the walls of our own homes, this doesn’t necessarily help to spark our motivation to get up and move […]

Start Your Resolution Today

Start Your Resolution Today

Every year people make New Year’s resolutions and by the end of the second week of January, most of them are broken. One of the problems is that they’re just resolutions, without a path to reach them. You can start your resolution today, but don’t forget to turn it into a goal that is specific, […]