
Do I Need To Eat Organic Fruits And Veggies?

Do I Need To Eat Organic Fruits And Veggies?

Organic food includes both produce and animal products. GMO produce is also included in non-organic selections. Organically grown fruits and vegetables are lower in pesticides and chemicals. Every year the EWG—Environmental Working Group makes a “Clean 15” and “Dirty Dozen” list. The organic label extends beyond produce; it also is used for animal products. Are […]

What Is Primal Living?

What Is Primal Living?

I love New York, NY, but I also think that all the wonderful things it offers come at a price. The price can include stress, illness, and obesity. Those factors may be what’s driving people to adopt primal living. Primal living doesn’t mean you have to go live in caves or search the park for […]

Reasons To Lift Weights

Reasons To Lift Weights

No matter what your age, goal, or gender, strength training is important. Improving your strength requires you to do exercises that require pulling or pushing against a resistance. Doing bodyweight exercises, using gravity, and the weight of the body and resistance bands are two ways, but you can also lift weights. Lifting weights is beneficial […]

What Is Inflammation And How Can You Manage It?

What Is Inflammation And How Can You Manage It?

If you could prevent all types of inflammation, you wouldn’t want to do that. The body needs inflammation to survive. The inflammatory process is necessary for fighting microbes that attack the body and also for healing. That’s the definition of acute inflammation, which keeps you healthy. However, if inflammation becomes chronic it can lead to […]

Which Cardio Burns The Most Fat?

Which Cardio Burns The Most Fat?

When you come to UpFit Academy in New York, NY, we’ll help you build muscle, eliminate fat, boost your energy, and become the best version of yourself. One way to torch fat is to do cardio. While all cardio workouts burn calories, some are more efficient at calorie-burning. We use science backed workouts, so we […]

Is A 10-Minute Workout Worth It?

Is A 10-Minute Workout Worth It?

According to the World Health Organization, you need between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of intense exercise every week. If you only have time for a 10-minute workout, do it, but make it count. Focus on doing an intense workout, make it Tabata or another high-intensity workout. You […]

Is Sugar Really That Bad For You?

Is Sugar Really That Bad For You?

Many of the foods you wouldn’t suspect have added sugar. Unfortunately, sugar is bad for your health. Anthropologists hypothesize that it’s instinct to crave foods with a sweet taste, like fruit. The sugar that is natural in fruit and vegetables doesn’t have the same effect as that of added sugar for several reasons. The fiber […]

How To Ease Muscle Soreness From Exercise?

How To Ease Muscle Soreness From Exercise?

Everyone pushed themselves during exercise and instinctively knew they’d be extremely sore the next day. Muscle soreness, DOMS—-delayed onset muscle soreness—is the pain and stiffness felt after pushing too hard. It doesn’t happen immediately but takes between 24 and 48 hours to appear. It happens because of inflammation that occurs when muscle tissue breaks down. […]