
How Fitness Helps With Mental Health

How Fitness Helps With Mental Health

There’s a direct link between fitness and improved mental health. If you focus on living a healthier lifestyle, which includes getting adequate sleep, regular hydration, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly, you’ll feel better both physically and mentally. Therapists now use exercise as a complementary therapy instead of prescribing drugs. They found that exercise […]

The Importance Of Flexibility

The Importance Of Flexibility

At Upfit Academy in New York, NY, we focus on all types of fitness. People understand the importance of fitness and many take action. Some do only cardio, while others focus on strength building or a combination of cardio and strength. Those people are missing the importance of balance and flexibility training. Being flexible is […]

Best Pre-Workout And Post-Workout Meals

Best Pre-Workout And Post-Workout Meals

When you’re talking about pre-workout and post-workout meals, the content is approximately the same as the snacks, but you eat more, so the timing of the meal is different. You can eat a snack closer to working out since you aren’t eating as much. It’s also easier to bring a post-workout snack to the gym […]

The Psychology Of Weight Loss

The Psychology Of Weight Loss

People often balk and feel sorry for themselves when they start a weight loss program. That’s the quickest path to failure. There’s a lot of psychology that can help improve your chances of losing weight. Why do you love the food you love? When do you find it more difficult to avoid certain unhealthy foods? […]

Hiking Workouts

Hiking Workouts

Unless you’re a cold-weather hiker that likes the cold, hiking in New York, NY, is somewhat seasonal. You can get into shape for hiking by taking easy paths in the city, such as Forest Park Inner Loop, and building up to Long Path Trail. A better way to further your adventures is to precondition for […]

How Do Eating Disorders Affect One's Mental Health?

How Do Eating Disorders Affect One’s Mental Health?

Eating disorders have only been widely recognized as an illness in the last 50 years, although these disorders have existed for centuries. In the Middle Ages, starving oneself was a way of cleansing the soul, and the spiritual aspect continued through centuries. As the beauty type changed from rounded, full-figured women to lithe, thin ones, […]

Should We Eat Like Cavemen?

Should We Eat Like Cavemen?

One diet that’s gained popularity in New York, NY is the Paleo diet. If you’re on the Paleo diet, you eat like cavemen, sans the brontosaurus burgers. It’s based on the concept that our bodies were healthier when we ate the food that grew before farming began and eating food that’s more genetically matched to […]

Easy Ways To Burn More Fat

Easy Ways To Burn More Fat

You can achieve your goal to lose weight quicker and more effectively with these easy ways to burn fat. They won’t replace having a healthy diet or a program of regular exercise but will increase the amount of fat you’ll lose and help you reach your goal faster. These tips will also help you prevent […]